international partnership

From Rapid City Journal, Oct. 10, 2019: Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer comments on British contributions to the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment during an Oct. 8 event in which British air power and science were feted Tuesday in Rapid City, South Dakota. Honored guests included the Royal Air Force’s Red Arrows Aerobatic Team, a British diplomat and a group of U.S. and international scientists associated with the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.

From Eifel Zeitung, Sept. 5, 2019: Das nächste große Neutrinoexperiment DUNE am Fermilab in Chicago wollen sie maßgeblich mitgestalten und sind dabei nun einen wichtigen Schritt vorangekommen: Verantwortliche von Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und Fermilab haben eine Vereinbarung zur gemeinsamen Berufung einer international renommierten Forscherpersönlichkeit unterzeichnet.

Scientists are working on a pixelated detector capable of clearly and quickly capturing neutrino interactions — a crucial component for the near detector of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. Using technological solutions developed at University of Bern and Berkeley Lab, a prototype detector called ArgonCube is under construction in Bern and will arrive at Fermilab next year.

From Labmate, May 4, 2019: Researchers at the UK’s Scientific Technology Facilities Council are collaborating with Malaysian academics on projects that will both develop scientific capabilities and the research potential of Malaysian science in helping to discover new answers to some major scientific challenges. The projects include the Fermilab-hosted Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.