Press release

Fermilab Cancels Arts Series Opening Night Events, Saturday, September 15. Lederman Science Center Closed Saturday. Ask-a-Scientist Canceled.

Officials at the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced today (September 13) that they have canceled the scheduled Arts Series Opening Night events for Saturday evening, September 15.

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Batavia, Ill.—Officials at the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced today (September 13) that they have canceled the scheduled Arts Series Opening Night events for Saturday evening, September 15. Under heightened security provisions in force at Fermilab, visitors will not be admitted to the laboratory during the weekend.

The laboratory had planned a concert of flute and harp, an afternoon master class in flute, a pre-concert lecture, and a post-concert reception to open the 2001-2002 Fermilab Arts Series. However, following the terrorist attacks earlier in the week in New York and Washington, Fermilab, a Department of Energy facility, instituted a level of security that excludes visitors to the site. The increased security will remain in effect at least through the weekend.

The concert and master class will be rescheduled at a later date. Ticket holders to these events should call the Fermilab Arts Series at 630-840-2787 or check the Arts Series website at

Fermilab’s Lederman Science Center, normally open on the first and third Saturdays of each month, will be closed on Saturday, September 15. The usual Sunday afternoon Ask-a-Scientist program will not take place on Sunday, September 16.

Fermilab is a Department of Energy national laboratory operated under contract by Universities Research Association, Inc.