Recent Releases

QICK 2.0

The Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit now features updated software and firmware and new companion hardware called QICK box. This Fermilab-developed system combines everything a scientist might need to conduct mind-bending research in a pizza-box-sized case. Expanding on QICK’s ability to drastically improve quantum computer performance, QICK box offers flexibility for users to customize the system to their needs.

DESI–Mayall Telescope

Researchers used the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument to map how nearly 6 million galaxies cluster across 11 billion years of cosmic history. Their observations line up with what Einstein’s theory of general relativity predicts.

After years of preparation, the first neutrinos have been observed by the Short-Baseline Near Detector collaboration. The data SBND collects will expand our knowledge of how neutrinos interact with matter and will be used to search for evidence of new physics.

Michele Weber

The prototype of a novel particle detection system for the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment successfully recorded its first accelerator neutrinos, providing a first look at the ability of this innovative technology to handle large numbers of the mysterious particles’ interactions.