Fermilab seeks to broaden industry adoption of electron accelerators February 10, 2025 electron beam accelerators High-power electron beam accelerators could be the answer to the nation’s need for powerful and safe alternatives to radioactive power sources. Funding from the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Radiological Security aims to support a team of engineers, scientists and business specialists in forging a path to help industry adopt these mighty accelerators.
US-built carbon support tube arrives at CERN for the CMS experiment upgrade January 15, 2025 CMSFermilab feature A key milestone in the U.S.-funded upgrade to the CMS experiment was achieved with the successful delivery of a 5-meter-long carbon support tube to CERN. Designed and built at Purdue University, the tube will house new inner particle detectors for CMS, which is being prepared for the high-luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider. The CMS collaboration is composed of scientists from roughly 240 institutions spread across more than 50 countries.
Fermilab building named for renowned scientist, Dr. Helen Edwards January 14, 2025 DUNEHelen EdwardsIERCPress release President Biden recently signed a bicameral resolution that changes the name of Fermilab’s Integrated Engineering Research Center to the Helen Edwards Engineering Research Center. The building’s new name honors the late Dr. Helen Edwards, a renowned particle physicist at Fermilab.
Fermilab undergoes leadership change January 13, 2025 leadershipPress release Dr. Lia Merminga stepped down as laboratory director on Jan. 13, 2025. Dr. Young-Kee Kim has been named as interim director. The new search for a permanent director will begin immediately.
Fermilab researchers receive Department of Energy funding for microelectronics research January 6, 2025 microelectronicsFermilab feature Fermilab is advancing U.S. semiconductor capabilities through leading-edge research in energy-efficient and extreme-environment chips. This important work is driving breakthroughs for high-energy physics and future technologies.
Ten ways Fermilab advanced science and technology in 2024 December 17, 2024 astrophysicsLBNF/DUNEmuonsneutrinoquantumsite accessFermilab feature In 2024, Fermilab made significant scientific progress, including advancing preparations for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment and conducting groundbreaking quantum research. The laboratory also continued its strong international collaborations — including involvement with the CMS experiment at CERN — and made strides in developing emerging technologies with wide applications beyond physics.
Fermilab expecting 95-ton coldbox delivery December 16, 2024 accelerator technologycryogenicsPIP-IIPress release The coldbox, a vital piece of Fermilab’s new linear accelerator, is on a two-month voyage from France to its new home in Batavia, Illinois. It will be at the heart of the cryogenic system for the lab’s upgraded accelerator complex.
Construction for Fermilab's new particle accelerator reaches key milestone December 13, 2024 PIP-IIFermilab feature The PIP-II accelerator upgrade project at Fermilab officially completed its subproject dedicated to the early stages of facilities construction.
US Department of Energy National Quantum Information Science Research Centers celebrate 4-year milestone, look toward future December 12, 2024 Fermilab feature The five quantum centers have reached significant accomplishments, summarized in a new joint website, nqisrc.org.
The quantum chase December 10, 2024 LHCquantumSymmetry feature Some friendly competition between the CMS and ATLAS experiments led up to the first discovery of entanglement at the Large Hadron Collider.