
A minute with: Akshay Murthy

Bringing expertise in materials science and engineering, Akshay Murthy is a leader at Fermilab’s Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center. Murthy’s passion at SQMS is extending the lifetimes of quantum states to realize next-generation quantum computers and sensors.

Fermilab is America’s particle physics and accelerator laboratory. Our vision is to solve the mysteries of matter, energy, space and time for the benefit of all.

First neutrinos detected at Fermilab short-baseline detector

After years of preparation, the first neutrinos have been observed by the Short-Baseline Near Detector collaboration. The data SBND collects will expand our knowledge of how neutrinos interact with matter and will be used to search for evidence of new physics.

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Fermilab in the news

The UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) awarded Lancaster University £928,000 for the DUNE Anode Plane Assemblies project and £901,000 for the DUNE Reconstruction Software and Distributed Computing initiative. These projects form part of a wider UK DUNE collaboration that is providing significant effort in areas key to the success of the DUNE project.

The historic University of Chicago Accelerator Building will be taken down soon and the space will become a new, expanded building for engineering and science innovation. It once housed the cyclotron, designed by Enrico Fermi, and was the world’s most powerful particle accelerator using a 2,500-ton magnet to accelerate particles such as protons and nuclei. Read more about building and how the the cyclotron’s gigantic magnet was shipped off to become part of other experiments at what would later become Fermilab.

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