Fermilab barn dance

Chicago Barn Dance Company musicians in 1989 with special guest Lotus Dickey (front row, third from left), and others. Juel Ulven (front row, far right) is the president of the Fox Valley Folklore Society and also runs sound at the dances. Back row, from left: Tony Scarimbolo, Paul Watkins, Fred Campeau, Jim Nelson, Phil Cooper. Front row, from left: Marc Gunther, Paul Tyler, Lotus Dickey, Lynn "Chirps" Smith, John Terr, Juel Ulven. Photo courtesy of Juel Ulven

Chicago Barn Dance Company musicians in 1989 with special guest Lotus Dickey (front row, third from left), and others. Juel Ulven (front row, far right) is the president of the Fox Valley Folklore Society and also runs sound at the dances. Back row, from left: Tony Scarimbolo, Paul Watkins, Fred Campeau, Jim Nelson, Phil Cooper. Front row, from left: Marc Gunther, Paul Tyler, Lotus Dickey, Lynn “Chirps” Smith, John Terr, Juel Ulven. Photo courtesy of Juel Ulven