High school teachers will take science out of the textbook and put it into children’s hands at Fermilab’s annual Wonders of Science event.
“The show is an excellent opportunity for families to share a fun time together while learning about science,” said Nancy Lanning of the Fermilab Education Office.
On Sunday, April 18, from 1-2 p.m. award-winning high school teachers will perform fast-paced demonstrations on chemical and physical phenomena. Portions of the 22-year-old event have appeared on TV shows such as “Late Show with David Letterman”, “Inside Edition” and “CBS News.”
“This is one of our most exciting events every year,” said Spencer Pasero, an education program leader at Fermilab. “Everyone has their favorite demonstration, but there is always something new and exciting to look forward to.”
This year’s performance, which will have an electricity and magnetism theme, will involve “Weird Science” a group of current and retired high school teachers who were recognized locally and nationally for their ability to engage young minds. That group includes Lee Marek, of the University of Illinois at Chicago (formerly of Naperville North High school.), Karl Craddock, of Fremd High School in Palatine and Bill Grosser of Oak Park-River Forest High School.
The program is designed for ages 7-12 and scout troops are welcome. Students will receive a science kit, which they can use to replicate the experiments at home. Tickets are $4, and may be ordered using a Printable registration form available at:http://eddata.fnal.gov/lasso/program_search/wos_form.html.
For additional information, contact Nancy Lanning at edreg@fnal.gov.
The mission of the Fermilab Education Office is to strengthen primary- and secondary-school education by using Fermilab resources to improve teaching and learning in science, mathematics, engineering and technology. The Education Office serves as a catalyst for improving school curricula and is a resource to schools nationwide.
Fermilab is a Department of Energy national laboratory operated under contract by the Fermi Research Alliance, LLC. The DOE Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the nation and helps ensure U.S. world leadership across a broad range of scientific disciplines.