US-built carbon support tube arrives at CERN for the CMS experiment upgrade
A key milestone in the U.S.-funded upgrade to the CMS experiment was achieved with the successful delivery of a 5-meter-long carbon support tube to CERN. Designed and built at Purdue University, the tube will house new inner particle detectors for CMS, which is being prepared for the high-luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider. The CMS collaboration is composed of scientists from roughly 240 institutions spread across more than 50 countries.
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Fermilab Natural Areas awarded $12,000 grant for Shrubland Restoration Project
Fermilab Natural Areas received a $12,000 grant through DuPage Foundation’s Community Impact grant program support for the restoration of the Sparrow Hedge Shrublands.
Muon cooling kickoff at Fermilab
Over 100 accelerator scientists, engineers and particle physicists gathered at Fermilab last fall for the first of a new series of workshops to discuss the future of beam-cooling technology for a muon collider.
Fermilab center renamed after late particle physicist Helen Edwards
Fermilab’s Integrated Engineering Research Center is now known as the Helen Edwards Engineering Center honoring the late particle physicist who led the design, construction, commissioning and operation of the Tevatron accelerator.
Department of Energy Announces $71 Million for Research on Quantum Information Science Enabled Discoveries in High Energy Physics
DOE announced $71 million in funding for 25 projects in high energy physics that will use the emerging technologies of quantum information science to answer fundamental questions about the universe. This research will develop and deploy innovative solutions for scientific discovery by applying the unique capabilities and features of the quantum world to the challenges of making new discoveries in fundamental physics.
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