
Fermilab is America’s particle physics and accelerator laboratory. Our vision is to solve the mysteries of matter, energy, space and time for the benefit of all.


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Measurement that challenges physics theory is revalidated

In 2022, the CDF experiment at Fermilab measured the W boson mass and found a challenge in the predictions of physics. However, the LHC measurement of the mass of the W boson found the exact expected value. What now?

America’s underground lab overhauls its WWII era wooden mine shaft

SURF recently finished the overhaul of the Yates mine shaft that transports personnel and supplies for experiments underground, including DUNE. The Yates Shaft is one of two mineshafts inside 370 miles of tunnels and shafts that was once North America’s deepest gold mine.

Jefferson Lab dedicates niobium-tin particle accelerator prototype

Fermilab Senior Scientist Grigory Eremeev built and tested the first niobium-tin alloy cryomodule called Gray Enid I as part of his DOE Early Career Award when he was at Jefferson Lab. The cryomodule, is now being prepared for its first electron beam tests.

Odia scientist in BARC gets pat from Modi

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi
highlighted nuclear scientist, Elina Mishra from Bhubaneswar on International Women’s Day. Mishra and her team designed and developed several focusing quadrupole magnets and beam steering dipole corrector magnets for the 800 MeV Proton Improvement Plan (PIP-II) program at Fermilab.

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