Hyde Park Herald, Nov. 18, 2015: Mayor Rahm Emanuel and University of Chicago President Robert Zimmer kicked off an event titled “The University of Chicago and Affiliated Laboratories: Powerful Partners in Transformative Science” on Friday, Nov. 13, by pointing to the continued prominence of the university as a national leader is scientific developments.
In the news
From Physics, Nov. 23, 2015: The mass of the recently discovered Higgs particle is one of the greatest mysteries in present-day particle physics.
The cosmic neutrino background could provide more details about the universe as it once was
Physicists looked at gobs of data on planetary orbits to look for tiny anomalies that couldn’t be explained by either Isaac Newton’s theory of gravity — in which gravity is a force between objects that depends on their masses — or Einstein’s general relativity theory, which says gravity is a warping of space-time itself.