
Ellen Sandor, Fermilab’s 2016 artist-in-residence, shines a new light on Fermilab’s neutrino research with her current exhibit at the Fermilab Art Gallery.

From American Institute of Physics’ FYI, Dec. 20, 2016: The COMPETES law has been used to set policy for the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Department of Energy Office of Science and various STEM education programs across the federal government.

Scientists furthered studies of the Higgs boson, neutrinos, dark matter, dark energy and cosmic inflation and continued the search for undiscovered particles, forces and principles.

From the Associated Press, Dec. 17, 2016: In 1978, Fermilab director Robert Wilson praised Goldwasser, saying, “The successes of the lboratory, the firm foundation for the future, the cultural ambience, the spirit of opportunity for all, the international importance of our work, are all monuments to his sense of the value of science and its place in our society.”

From Cosmos, Dec. 12, 2016: Particle physics is petrolhead science – a particle-revving, high-octane demolition derby near the speed of light. Cathal O’Connell looks ahead to new ‘Higgs factories’ on teraelectronvolt, megawatt and gigadollar scales.