
From UK Research and Innovation, July 26, 2022: UK engineers have started producing what is perhaps the most critical link in a complex and powerful accelerator chain, the neutrino production target for LBNF at Fermilab. Together, STFC engineers and Fermilab have started an international collaboration known as RaDIATE in which the collaboration applies the expertise and facilities of nuclear materials scientists to the challenging environment.

From the Polsky Center, July 26, 2022: Fermilab’s quantum ASIC group leader Shaorui Li founded Lismikro, a new start-up dedicated to developing innovative low-power microchip controllers to solve the hardware bottleneck and unleash the full potential of quantum computers. Lismikro was awarded a $200,000 co-investment from the Polsky Center’s George Shultz Innovation Fund and is capable of scaling the control electronics beyond today’s 100 qubits for superconducting, ion trap, and photonic quantum processors.

From Physics World, July 26, 2022: Appointed by Robert Wilson in 1970, Helen Edwards was the accelerator scientist who oversaw the construction and implementation of the Tevatron, from planning right until the end of its scientific operation. Thirteen years later, the Tevatron was started to later discover the Bc meson in 1998, the top quark in 1995 and the tau neutrino in 2000.

From (University Research Association), June 30, 2022: Matthew Portman’s research on the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument was accepted by the URA’s Visiting Scholars Program Review Panel and was awarded funding to work at Fermilab where he worked with Dr. Antonella Palmese, a former Visiting Scholar herself. Portman’s curiosity for gravitational waves and coding knowledge allowed him to merge both physics and computer science while at Fermilab.