diversity equity and inclusion

From The Bogota Post, Feb. 14, 2019: Building change stems from building new role models to get women out of unpaid labor roles and into the country’s laboratories and management boards. Role models include on of the scientists on the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.

Fermilab’s Inclusivity Journal Club seeks answers to difficult social questions in science. A typical meeting includes physicists and postdoctoral researchers as well as non-science staff; students are also welcome to attend. Members read and discuss reports and peer-reviewed papers that address issues such as sexual harassment, implicit bias and best practices for expanding inclusivity.

From Daily Herald, Nov. 7, 2018: Fermilab’s innovative VetTech program began when Fermilab approached the College of DuPage about hiring student veterans in such fields as engineering, computers, automotive service, manufacturing and HVACR for full-time paid internships.

LGBT+ scientists offer advice for promoting inclusivity in a guide written for the physics and astronomy community.

Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics aims to encourage more women and gender minorities to pursue careers in physics and improve diversity in the field.