From Medill Reports, September 30, 2021: Researchers transported a gigantic electromagnetic ring from Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island to Fermilab near Chicago eight years ago in the search for a new building block of matter. While it wasn’t the secret spaceship bystanders thought it was, it did allow scientists to explore fundamental questions about our universe.
electromagnetic force
From Scientific American, Dec. 16, 2020: Researchers have made the most precise measurement of one of the fundamental constants, called the fine-structure constant. Now all eyes are on Fermilab, where the first results of the Muon g-2 experiment are expected to provide the most precise experimental measurement of the muon’s magnetic moment. Alex Keshavarzi, scientist on the Muon g-2 experiment, weighs in on the significance of the measurement.
From Forbes, Dec. 14, 2020: Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln explains a new measurement performed by scientists at University College London that has the potential to cause researchers to look again at theories of electromagnetism. The team studied the behavior of an exotic atom called “positronium” and found a surprising difference between the prediction and measurement energy level of a specific energy transition. Positronium is an atom that consists solely of an electron and an antimatter electron.