Batavia, Ill.——Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson and House Speaker Dennis Hastert will highlight the June 1 dedication ceremonies for Fermilab’s Main Injector accelerator. The seven-year, $260-million project was completed on time and within budget.
Illinois Governor George Ryan and Senator Peter Fitzgerald also plan to attend the dedication, which will begin at 10 AM in Ramsey Auditorium. Hastert, representing the 14th Congressional District in Illinois, took part in the groundbreaking for the Main Injector project in 1993.
The new Main Injector will allow the Department of Energy’s Fermilab to extend its experimental reach by greatly increasing the number of proton-antiproton collisions at the Tevatron, the world’s highest-energy particle accelerator. More collisions mean more possibilities for new discoveries, as Fermilab continues its quest to understand the nature of matter at its most fundamental levels.
More collisions give Fermilab scientists the best opportunities in the world for discoveries at the frontiers of high energy physics.
To help us coordinate press access for this event, we ask you to sign up for credentials at the Main Injector Dedication web site–
Complete details of the day’s activities will be available on the web page. Or call the Fermilab Office of Public Affairs at 630-840-3351. Please submit your request for credentials by Friday, May 28.
Fermilab is a Department of Energy National Laboratory dedicated to frontier research in the field of particle physics. More than 90 percent of the funding for federally sponsored research in particle physics is provided by DOE. Fermilab is operated by Universities Research Association, Inc. under contract with DOE.
For more information, call Fermilab’s Public Affairs Office at (630) 840-3351.