One minute with Farah Fahim, electrical engineer
You can’t buy electronics for particle detectors off the shelf. Farah Fahim is one of the engineers who designs them.
21 - 27 of 27 results
You can’t buy electronics for particle detectors off the shelf. Farah Fahim is one of the engineers who designs them.
The question is more complicated than it seems.
Ellen Sandor, Fermilab’s 2016 artist-in-residence, shines a new light on Fermilab’s neutrino research with her current exhibit at the Fermilab Art Gallery.
From Jefferson Lab, Jan. 6, 2017: Stuart Henderson, former associate laboratory director for accelerators at Fermilab, has been appointed the next director of Jefferson Lab in Virginia. He will assume his new responsibilities on April 3.
U.S.-CERN partnership takes on the mystery of neutrinos.
Sometimes being a physicist means giving detector parts the window seat.
As part of our year-long recognition of Fermilab’s 50th anniversary, we will feature a few important milestones in the laboratory’s history every month.