
Claire Lee works for the US-CMS collaboration at CERN. When she’s not taking shifts in the CMS control room, ensuring the detectors are functioning properly and safely, she takes guests on tours and teaches them about the amazing particle physics investigated by the variety of experiments there.

From, March 21, 2023: Congratulations to Mary Bishai, distinguished scientist from Brookhaven National Laboratory, who has been elected co-spokesperson of the international project DUNE. Bishai began working on DUNE in 2012 and will lead DUNE’s 1,400-member international collaboration alongside Sergio Bertolucci, a physics professor at the University of Bologna.

From APS News, March 16, 2023: The much anticipated P5 report will be out later this year. In the meantime, the 30-members of the P5 panel are gathering information at town hall meetings this summer. This input will be added to the new information gathered at Snowmass 2022 for the first time that includes more early career researcher involvement and improved conversations about equity and inclusion.

From Scientific American, March 16, 2023: Big news about a smaller size: MINERvA researchers used a new and entirely independent method to measure a proton’s radius. The team’s measurement of the proton’s radius was 0.73 femtometer, even smaller than the 0.84-femtometer electric charge radius. In either case, it is almost 10,000 times smaller than a hydrogen atom.

From the Daily Herald, March 15, 2023: Fermilab’s Mr. Freeze recently presented at an Addison Elementary District junior high school at its its annual Science Fun Night. Jerry Zimmerman, otherwise known as “Mr. Freeze,” demonstrated his infamous cryogenic experiment for a gymnasium full of families, teachers and students.

From the State University of Campinas, Unicamp (Brazil), March 13, 2023: This week Lia Merminga visited the State University of Campinas in São Paulo to attend a workshop on the purification of liquid argon. The event celebrated the achievements of the first phase of the LBNF/DUNE project and previewed the work to be carried out and the technologies to be developed in the next stage. Merminga stated the efforts of undergraduate and graduate students and the contributions of the university are essential to the success of DUNE.