
From Wired, May 18, 2021: So imagine the excitement on April 7, when more than 200 physicists from seven countries convened on a Zoom call for a kind of nonexplosive gender-reveal party. What was to be disclosed was not a baby’s sex but the fate of particle physics.

From Smithsonian Magazine, May 13, 2021: A group of scientists say the phenomenon could indicate dark matter speeding through our world at more than 300 miles a second. Fermilab’s Dan Hooper is quoted in this story about the study of flashes seen in ordinary lightning storms showing evidence of super-dense chunks of dark matter as they zip through our atmosphere.

A tessellated image of a white cap with a blue dot on the right edge, with shadow surrounding. This image is tessellated many times. A single cap, center right, is different: It has a white dot with a white concentric circle around it on top. No blue.

DESI will capture and study the light from tens of millions of galaxies and other distant objects to better understand our universe and the properties of dark energy. The formal start of DESI’s five-year survey follows a four-month trial run of its custom instrumentation that captured 4-million spectra of galaxies — more than the combined output of all previous spectroscopic surveys. Fermilab has contributed multiple components to the international collaboration led by Berkeley Lab.