
The conveyor belt taking the rocks from the crusher to the Open Cut passes close to the town of Lead, South Dakota. Image: Fermilab

Fermilab contractors have successfully commissioned a system that will move 800,000 tons of rock to create space for the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment’s detectors in South Dakota. Excavation crews will transport the rock from a mile underground to the surface using refurbished mining infrastructure and the newly constructed conveyor system.

From the CERN Courier, May 3, 2021: Fermilab’s Muon g-2 result announcement strengthened the longstanding tension between the measured and predicted values of the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment.

An image of a man in glasses and a purple shirt, Dr. Clifford Johnson, is overlaid on an illustration of comic strips. The panels include a hand writing equations on a whiteboard, an Agent Carter script, textbooks, and a male superhero talking to a person in a dress with the speech bubbles blank and formulas being written beside them.

Theoretical physicist Clifford Johnson answers questions about his work in science and outreach, including advising on movies like Avengers: Endgame.

From U.S. News and World Report, April 24, 2021: A team of University of Kentucky professors were part of a large-scale physics experiment at Fermilab showing results that point to a potential gap in the Standard Model of physics.

From Physics World (podcast), April 29, 2021: Fermilab’s Jessica Esquivel talks with Physics World Stories about the Muon g-2 result that offers a tantalizing glimpse of new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics.

From National Geographic (Spain), April 29, 2021: Fermilab houses some of the last remnants of small populations of historical plants as told by Fermilab ecologist, Walter Levernier.