31 - 40 of 422 results

UTA preps giant particle detectors for neutrino project

    Physicists at the University of Texas at Arlington are building portions of the first two detectors for DUNE that will be installed underground in South Dakota. The UTA team will construct 100 modules for the first detector and all 200 of the modules for the second detector.

    Physics faculty and students mining for neutrino answers

      Physicists from Syracuse University are part of the more than 1,400 scientists that make up the DUNE collaboration. The Syracuse team were involved in the development and testing of the first detector’s components, helping finalize the design and testing plans of the anode plane assemblies. The team also researched and developed light sensors for the first detector’s module and investigated how adding small amounts of the element xenon could improve their performance.

      First components for DUNE experiment in Lead

        The first components for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment have arrived in Lead, SD. Starting this spring the LBNF/DUNE project team and officials at the Sanford Underground Research Facility will begin tests to ensure cryostats for the experiment can be safely lowered down the Ross Shaft.

        Fermilab’s ‘muon shot’ could see suburban lab become site of revolutionary particle collider

          The most recent P5 report suggests funding support for research at Argonne and Fermilab, showing Chicagoland as a hub for the future of particle physics. The report recommended exploring the possibility of building a revolutionary new particle collider at Fermilab, more powerful than the LHC, and reinforced support of the Fermilab led DUNE project.