The UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) awarded Lancaster University £928,000 for the DUNE Anode Plane Assemblies project and £901,000 for the DUNE Reconstruction Software and Distributed Computing initiative. These projects form part of a wider UK DUNE collaboration that is providing significant effort in areas key to the success of the DUNE project.

Secrets behind our universe’s existence revealed

Faculty and students in the Experimental Neutrino Physics group at Syracuse University are working on DUNE detector construction, operation and analysis. This includes collaboration work on the the 2×2 prototype, a new prototype “pixel” Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber detector and the Short-Baseline Near Detector.

The 2×2 detector has captured its first neutrino interactions at Fermilab with help from scientists at SLAC. The prototype neutrino detector will help fine-tune a full-size version of the DUNE Near Detector Liquid Argon detector and will capture up to 10,000 neutrino interactions per day.

Two colossal caverns, each more than 500 feet long and seven-stories tall, were completed to contain the gigantic particle detector modules for the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility/Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, an international collaboration led by Fermilab. A third cavern will house utilities for operation of the DUNE far detector.