Changing a name without forfeiting credit
A group of U.S. national laboratories, including Fermilab; publishers; journals and other organizations, is making it easier for researchers to update their names on past publications.
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A group of U.S. national laboratories, including Fermilab; publishers; journals and other organizations, is making it easier for researchers to update their names on past publications.
From the New York Times, July 28, 2021: On Wednesday, a group of laboratories including Fermilab and major scientific publishers, announced an agreement that aims to simplify the process of applying new names to old papers for transgender scientists by shifting much of the administrative labor from the researcher to the laboratory.
From NBC News, July 28, 2021: Read more about how Fermilab is committed to the effort to help reduce barriers for trans researchers, coordinated by Berkeley Lab. This new partnership was announced Wednesday among all of the Department of Energy’s 17 U.S. national laboratories and many prominent publishers, journals and other organizations in scientific publishing that will streamline the name change request process in past published papers for researchers.
Name changes allow researchers of all genders to own their academic work.
Elena Long’s search for community as a trans scientist put her at the forefront of LGBT+ advocacy in physics.