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As Black Hills neutrino lab moves into next phase, officials look toward expansion

    Two colossal caverns, each more than 500 feet long and seven-stories tall, were completed to contain the gigantic particle detector modules for the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility/Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, an international collaboration led by Fermilab. A third cavern will house utilities for operation of the DUNE far detector.

    DUNE explained

      The Black Hills Pioneer covers what is DUNE and why is it important in a special section covering underground science in the Black Hills region. Starting on page 11, an interview with DUNE Physics Coordinator, Chris Marshall, discusses how the project will work and the science of DUNE.

      U.S. particle physics panel recommends Sanford Underground Research Facility for future expansion

        The recent report published by the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel highlights the important role that Sanford Underground Research Facility plays in the advancement of U.S. particles physics and its support of the DUNE project. The P5 report recommends continued support for DUNE and funding for expansion of research space at SURF that will enable the U.S. to be an international host for neutrino and dark matter experiments.

        Weird science!

          From the Black Hills Pioneer, July 7, 2023: Over 2,000 people in Lead, South Dakota celebrated Neutrino Day on July 8, organized by the Sanford Underground Research Facility with LBNF and DUNE members participating. The event featured a science comedian, interactive science booths, virtual underground tours as well as speakers on renewable energy and the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility for DUNE.

          Join CERN, Fermilab and SURF live for a journey on DUNE and all things neutrinos

          You are invited to join a live event at the CERN neutrino platform, Fermilab’s neutrino control room and SURF’s Ross Hoistroom for, “Particle pursuit, a journey of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment” on June 15 at 11:00 a.m. CDT. All three labs will be broadcasting live simultaneously for a behind scenes tour of the preparations for DUNE and discussing all things neutrinos.