women in STEM

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The Quest for Everything

    Listen to the podcast story of Dr. Helen Edwards, who was a Fermilab particle physicist who led the design and construction of the Tevatron to probe deeper into the atom than anyone had gone before.

    Series empowers emerging scientific leaders across university, national labs

      From the University of Chicago, Office of Science, Innovation, National Laboratories and Global Initiatives: The Leadership Academy for Women in Science and Engineering task force brought together a cohort of high-potential women from Argonne, Fermilab and the University of Chicago for a new leadership development series to encourage and develop talented scientific leaders of the future. Panelists included Fermilab’s Bonnie Fleming and Lia Merminga. Merminga hopes to help encourage more females to join the filed of physics through support of LAWISE and other programs.

      The Italian scientists who made and continue to so STEM history, breaking down gender prejudices

        From Elle Italia, February 11, 2022: On World Day of Women in Science, there are Italians who have made history and have contributed to breaking down gender prejudice in science despite women continuing to be underrepresented in the world of science and technology. Included is this impressive list of Italian women in science is Fermilab’s Anna Grassellino.

        Catavento Museum launches new temporary exhibition “Women in Science”

          From Brazil Culture, November 3, 2021: Fermilab’s Marcelle Soares Santos was included in this impressive exhibit of “Women in Science” curated by the Catavento Museum of São Paulo. The exhibition was conceived to bring to light women who acted and act in a significant way for scientific research and development, presenting, in monumental panels, 12 scientists from different times, nationalities and areas of knowledge. To read in English, click on the title above, right click and hit translate.