Fermilab feature

Fermilab Director Lockyer awarded the DOE’s Distinguished Career Service Award


Nigel Lockyer has received this prestigious award from the DOE’s Office of Science in recognition of his outstanding achievement and service to the nation through eight years as the director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer

Nigel Lockyer, director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, received the Distinguished Career Service Award from the Department of Energy’s Office of Science for his dedication and service to the DOE and the nation. The award recognizes Lockyer’s eight years at Fermilab and his work in facilitating international collaboration within the worldwide high-energy physics community.

Presented at a meeting in Washington, D.C., the award cites Lockyer’s leadership and vision in accelerator-based neutrino research through the Fermilab-hosted international LBNF/DUNE and the PIP-II programs. It commended him for developing processes within DOE for successfully hosting large-scale international research projects and enabling large international scientific and technical contributions to the U.S.-hosted projects.

“[Lockyer’s] innovative approach to fostering international partnerships has been critical in implementing the U.S. long-term strategic plan [for prioritizing particle physics],” said J. Stephen Binkley, acting director of the Office of Science. “Concurrently, [his] diplomatic skills in working with our international partners have laid the foundations for researchers from the United States to play leading roles at future global facilities hosted abroad.”