Fermilab feature

The 2023 URA award recipients


The annual Universities Research Association awards ceremony took place at Fermilab on June 29, recognizing four researchers whose work is done at Fermilab or in collaboration with Fermilab scientists.

As part of the 2023 Users Meeting at Fermilab, the Universities Research Association honorary awards ceremony took place in Ramsey Auditorium on Thursday, June 29.

Three of the 2023 URA award recipients, (from left) Patrick Green, Donato Passarelli and Jonathan Jarvis, received their awards from URA President John Mester (right) at the June 29 ceremony in Ramsey Auditorium. Not pictured: Marco Del Tutto, who accepted his award remotely. Photo: Ryan Postel, Fermilab

Since 1997, URA has honored remarkable research performed in fulfillment of Fermilab’s mission. Each year, URA bestows honorary awards, acknowledging researchers in various stages of their careers whose work is done at Fermilab or in collaboration with Fermilab scientists. New this year, URA has introduced an award to recognize exceptional engineering and engineering physics research. Each awardee receives $10,000 from URA and presents their work at the Users Meeting.

URA President John Mester presented the 2023 URA awardees to the following people:

Patrick Green

Doctoral Thesis Award
Awardee: Patrick J. Green, University of Manchester, UK
“For the thesis ‘Light and Dark in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Neutrino Detectors’ submitted to the University of Manchester, which describes novel searches for Heavy Neutral Leptons and Heavy QCD-axions decaying to a muon-anti-muon pair using the ArgoNeuT liquid-argon detector and a powerful method to simulate scintillation light in large liquid-argon time projection chamber detectors.”

Jonathan Jarvis

Early Career Award
Awardee: Jonathan Jarvis, Fermilab; Accelerator Division
“For outstanding leadership in the first demonstration of optical stochastic cooling, which was carried out at Fermilab’s Integrable Optics Test Accelerator (IOTA) storage ring and advanced the state-of-the-art bandwidth for stochastic cooling by more than three orders of magnitude.”

Donato Passarelli

Engineering Award
Awardee: Donato Passarelli, Fermilab; PIP-II
“For technical expertise, creativity, character, leadership, ability, and remarkable work on superconducting radio frequency cavities and cryomodules for the Proton Improvement Plan II (PIP-II) project.”

Marco Del Tutto

Tollestrup Award for Postdoctoral Research
Awardee: Marco Del Tutto, Fermilab; SBND
“For innovative contributions to searches for new physics using liquid argon detectors.”

Congratulations to each of the 2023 URA award winners. Respective articles about each of these awards will follow in the coming days.

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