
BATAVIA, Ill. – On Tuesday, May 11, 2004, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Chicago Wilderness presented the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory with a 2003 Conservation and Native Landscaping Award at a ceremony in Chicago’s Jackson Park. Bharat Mathur, Acting Regional Administrator for U.S. EPA Region 5, and Elizabeth McCance, Director of Conservation Programs for Chicago Wilderness, cited Fermilab’s achievement in using native plants in the Main Injector Wetland Mitigation Project. “These awards recognize outstanding examples where…

Officials of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, near Chicago, and of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, in Geneva, announced today (Tuesday) the shipment of an advanced superconducting magnet from Fermilab to CERN.

The Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory invites buffalo fans to visit its herd of about 50 buffalo, including 16 young animals born since April 12.

At the Needs Assessment & Developers Workshop for Grid Techniques in Introductory Physics Classroom Projects, held at Florida International University on January 28 and 29, educators, researchers, and scientists met to discuss how students of introductory physics might tap into real physics data sets around the world and collaborate on its analysis over the Internet.

Using detectors chilled to near absolute zero, from a vantage point half a mile below ground, physicists of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search today (November 12) announced the launch of a quest that could lead to solving two mysteries that may turn out to be one and the same: the identity of the dark matter that pervades the universe, and the existence of supersymmetric particles predicted by particle physics theory.