
From NBC News, May 4, 2022: A new research initiative that includes Fermilab scientist Alan Bross plans to scan Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza using energetic particles from space. The new device is a high-powered telescope to map the Great Pyramid’s internal makeup from all angles and could help scientists “see” inside the ancient structure to glean new details about its mysterious inner chambers.

From Science News, April 22, 2022: A more detailed survey of the Great Pyramid is being planned by a team of researchers who will place much larger detectors than previously used outside the pyramid measuring muons from multiple angles. The results will provide a 3-D view of what’s inside in the Great Pyramid, says Fermilab particle physicist Alan Bross.

Scientists worried Higgs pairs would be too rare for LHC experiments to find. But by using machine learning, they now are getting tantalizingly close.