50th anniversary

51 - 56 of 56 results

The birth of Fermilab

Fermilab’s beginnings can be traced to a 1963 report by a panel of U.S. scientists led by Norman Ramsey. In the 50 years since, Fermilab has grown to a laboratory of 1,800 employees, and scientists from 44 countries come to Fermilab to participate in its forefront particle physics programs.

Uncommon marching band to launch yearlong Fermilab birthday in Batavia

    From Kane County Chronicle, Jan. 16, 2017: In tandem with exploring the origin of the universe, Fermilab delves into its own birth, celebrating its 50th anniversary with an accelerated lineup of events from now into fall. The entertainment element will start on a happy note with Mucca Pazza, an unconventional marching band, striding onto the Batavia stage at 8 p.m. Jan. 21.