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Onel awarded grant from Fermi Research Alliance

    Fermi Research Alliance awarded Prof. Yasar Onel, from the University of Iowa, a grant to design a helium gas regulation system for neutrinos at the Main Injector beam monitors at Fermilab. The grant also allows for work on a gas regulation design study, prototype and consultation on a gas regulator system for the DUNE NuMI beam monitors.

    Plan To Attend Groundbreaking Ceremonies for NuMI

    Neutrinos can easily make their way through the earth and rock between Batavia and a half-mile-deep mineshaft in Soudan, Minnesota, but physicists in the NuMI (Neutrinos at the Main Injector) experiment need the help of a $30.5-million, 20-month excavation effort to create some 4,000 feet of tunnels and other underground experimental areas at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.