On Friday, April 20, DOE Office of Science Deputy Director Stephen Binkley visited Fermilab.
On his half-day tour of the lab, Fermilab experts discussed with Binkley Fermilab’s flagship experiment, LBNF/DUNE; the Mu2e experiment; Proton Improvement Plan II; the lab’s participation in the Large Hadron Collider and its CMS experiment; the lab’s contributions to SLAC’s LCLS-II accelerator; Fermilab’s forefront accelerator science programs; R&D work in superconducting radio-frequency accelerator technology; and the lab’s quantum initiatives.
Binkley visited ROC East and ROC West; the Fermilab Quantum Network teleportation experiment; the facility where Fermilab is building cryomodules for LCLS-II; SRF facilities; the magnet test area for Mu2e; and the Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology Facility.

Stephen Binkley visits Fermilab
The DOE Fermi Site Office welcomes Stephen Binkley to Fermilab. Front row, from left: Pepin Carolan, John Scott, Stephen Binkley, Whitney Begner, Phillip Stephens. Back row, from left: Stephen Terpening, Adam Bihary, Mike Weis, Rick Hersemann, Mark Bollinger. Photo: Reidar Hahn

Stephen Binkley visits Fermilab
Alex Romanenko, right, shows Binkley a superconducting radio-frequency accelerating cavity. Photo: Reidar Hahn

Stephen Binkley visits Fermilab
Martina Martinello discusses the lab's SRF R&D program with Binkley. Photo: Reidar Hahn

Stephen Binkley visits Fermilab
Ron Ray, left, talks about the Mu2e experiment with Binkley. From left: Ron Ray, Stephen Binkley, Julie Whitmore, Joe Lykken, Andy Hocker.

Stephen Binkley visits Fermilab
PIP-II Project Director Lia Merminga, left, leads Binkley on a tour of the Cryomodule Test Facility. From left: Merminga, Binkley, Joe Lykken, Adam Bihary, Elvin Harms, Jerry Leibfritz

Stephen Binkley visits Fermilab
Binkley tours the Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology facility. From left: Adam Bihary, Joe Lykken, Jonathan Jarvis, Binkley, Sergei Nagaitsev
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