11 - 17 of 17 results

Report on future of particle physics outlines exciting scientific priorities

    CBS News Chicago spoke with a current P5 member who is a professor at the University of Chicago about the 2023 report for federal funding agencies on what should be constructed to advance particle physics research over the next 10 years. Recommendations include a powerful new particle accelerator at Fermilab, a telescope to observe the oldest light in the universe, and research to learn more about mysteries such as dark matter.

    Particle Physics Panel assesses US influence on global stage

      A new report from the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel has come out stressing the importance of international collaboration in particle physics research. The report is part of a series of “international benchmarking” studies commissioned by the Department of Energy’s Office of Science with the HEPAP subcommittee chaired by Fermilab scientists Patricia McBride and Bonnie Fleming.