Marcia Teckenbrock

Marcia Teckenbrock is a senior writer for Fermilab computing.

QICK 2.0

The Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit now features updated software and firmware and new companion hardware called QICK box. This Fermilab-developed system combines everything a scientist might need to conduct mind-bending research in a pizza-box-sized case. Expanding on QICK’s ability to drastically improve quantum computer performance, QICK box offers flexibility for users to customize the system to their needs.

A pioneer in particle physics and high-performance computing, Fermilab has launched HEPCloud, a cloud computing service that will enable the lab’s demanding experiments to make the best, most efficient use of computing resources. This flagship project lets experiments rent computing resources from external sources during peak demand, reducing the costs of providing for local resources while also providing failsafe redundancy.