
NOvA collaboration

The international collaboration presented their first results with new data in four years, featuring a new low-energy sample of electron neutrinos and a dataset doubled in size.

Jim Kerby

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced Jim Kerby as project director for Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (LBNF/DUNE-US) He will be responsible for managing all aspects of the project in the U.S. as Fermilab leads the execution of the largest international DOE project ever hosted on U.S. soil.

A new underground research space at Fermilab allows scientists to study superconducting quantum qubits in an environment with significantly reduced interference caused by cosmic rays. The laboratory, called QUIET, has a twin at the Earth’s surface named LOUD. This arrangement allows for controlled direct comparisons of quantum sensor and computing experiments.