neutrino physics

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The greatest physics experiments in the world

    From New Scientist: New Scientist presents a new series featuring experts at the leading-edge of scientific discovery. The series includes prize-winning astrophysicist John Mather who discusses the groundbreaking operations of the James Webb Space Telescope. Also, Fermilab senior scientist Don Lincoln explores how Fermilab has taught us so much about our universe, future research plans and how research results aid theorists in their quest for a ‘Theory of Everything’.

    SURF study highlights economic impacts in South Dakota

      From the Rapid City Journal, January 20, 2022: A 2021 economic study done for SURF and the South Dakota Science and Technology Authority shows the large economic impacts in advancing South Dakota’s economy. The impacts include job creation, household earnings, and spending for activities and experiments at SURF and the LBNF/DUNE. The partnership with Fermilab to construct and operate part of the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility at SURF will result in significant spending and employment in South Dakota in the coming decades.