11 - 19 of 19 results

LBNF excavation at Sanford Lab on schedule for June 2024 completion

    From the Black Hills Pioneer, May 13, 2023: Last week representatives from Fermilab and officials from SURF hosted a community meeting for Lead, SD residents. The event was an opportunity to update attendees on the progress of the underground facility, answer questions and explain the next phase of the project once excavation is completed in 2024.

    Most accurate measurement of universe’s dark matter

      From the Post Online Media Magazine, May 7, 2023: Dark Energy Survey scientists recently unveiled the most accurate measurement ever of the large-scale structure of the universe. Using the 570-mega pixel Dark Energy Cam developed and tested at Fermilab, the DES collaboration’s announcement will allow scientists to understand more about the ways the universe has evolved over 14 billion years.

      HiLumi News: Recovery of an HL-LHC niobium–tin magnet

        From CERN, April 26, 2023: Fermilab, as part of the US Accelerator Upgrade Project team, has helped to successful replace a coil in an HL-LHC niobium–tin quadrupole magnet showcasing this crucial technology’s flexibility and cost-effectiveness.