Photographing DUNE
Documenting the work of building the world’s largest neutrino experiment presents photographers with a unique set of challenges.
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Documenting the work of building the world’s largest neutrino experiment presents photographers with a unique set of challenges.
Some friendly competition between the CMS and ATLAS experiments led up to the first discovery of entanglement at the Large Hadron Collider.
Physicists in the United States support the development of an off-shore Higgs Factory — a collider perfectly tuned to mass-produce Higgs bosons.
The CMS experiment is developing a new type of trigger that looks for anomalies — one-in-a-billion events that show something new or unexpected.
Edgar Marrufo Villalpando went from Mexico to the United States and from computational physics to astronomical instrumentation to pursue his childhood dream of becoming a physicist.
Physics may seem like its own world, but different sectors using machine learning are all part of the same universe.
Scientists inside and outside of particle physics and astrophysics are leaning on AI for assistance with complex tasks.
For more than 20 years in experimental particle physics and astrophysics, machine learning has been accelerating the pace of science, helping scientists tackle problems of greater and greater complexity.
Don’t know your convolutional neural networks from your boosted decision trees? Symmetry is here to help.
In December, the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel released its recommendations for the future of the field. Among the top priorities was research and development toward future accelerator technology, with a specific mention of the concept of building a muon collider in the U.S.