A physicist making great advances in particle detector technology, Estrada is recognized by the American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields for his creation and development of novel applications for CCD technology that probe wide-ranging areas of particle physics, including cosmology, dark matter searches, neutrino detection and quantum imaging.
Three students have received the prestigious U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Fellowships to conduct their research at Fermilab. They will pursue projects in dark matter detection, superconducting accelerator technology, and the Mu2e and CMS experiments.
From Página 12, Sept. 12, 2020: Recibió el reconocimiento “Nuevos Horizontes en Física 2021” en el marco de los premios Breakthrough. Se recibió en la UBA y desde hace años investiga en el Fermilab de Chicago, el laboratorio de física de partículas más importante de Estados Unidos.