50th memories: Liquid nitrogen in the library
It was in the 1990s that John saw a big white tanker trailer used for liquid-nitrogen parked next to the A-1 service building on Main Ring Road.
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It was in the 1990s that John saw a big white tanker trailer used for liquid-nitrogen parked next to the A-1 service building on Main Ring Road.
It was in June that National Accelerator Laboratory employees first showed up to work and that Leon Lederman became the lab’s second director.
How many times must one iterate on a magnet-spool design? Until Dr. Wilson is happy.
From CERN Courier, May 19, 2017: Former Fermilab archivist and historian Adrienne Kolb recounts how, 50 years ago, U.S. physicists established a new laboratory and with it a new approach to carrying out frontier research in high-energy physics.
When I first started out here, in 1970, I worked with the farm crew.
From CERN Courier, April 13, 2017: It took decades for dark matter to enter the lexicon of particle physics. Today, explaining the nature and abundance of dark matter is one of the most pressing problems in the field. Fermilab and University of Chicago’s Dan Hooper and University of Amsterdam’s Gianfranco Bertone review the 80-year history.
It was in May that the lab received the name Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, during a dedication attended by Laura Fermi.
I was about to leave one of the lab’s service buildings when in came someone like a streak of lightning.
My first year at Fermilab was 1968. Our crew worked closely with Wilson. He was charismatic, friendly and outgoing.
Plans for a new accelerator laboratory began in April 1963. Subsequent Aprils brought the completion of the Central Laboratory Building and the installation of the final Main Ring magnet.