Crews stay busy with construction at SURF

As excavation of the underground facilities for DUNE nears completion, crews are now working on laying concrete floors and spraying shotcrete on the walls of the caverns. The next priority is to prepare the south cavern for cryostat erection by installing sprinklers, fire alarms, an elevator, and overhead cranes

Practice makes perfect – SURF rigging crews test wooden model L-beam

Rigging crews at SURF are performing a series of tests using a large wooden model L-beam built to the same scale as one of the huge steel components that arrived in South Dakota in January after being shipped from Spain. The tests are being done in anticipation of lowering the real thing down the shaft to the underground 4850 level.

Fermilab taking applicants for DUNE jobs

Fermilab looking for Lead area and southwest SD people who would like to join the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility/Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment team. There are a series of hiring events planned to meet with those interested in being part of DUNE including the Lead Employment Expo, which will be held at the Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor’s Center on April 16.

KOTA-TV of Rapid City, South Dakota speaks with Fermilab’s Mike Gemelli and Steve Brice on the completion of the cavern excavation and the outfitting work ahead to prepare the DUNE detectors for installation.

Fermilab looks towards future of LBNF

Earlier this month, Fermilab announced crews completed excavation work for the massive caverns that comprise the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility, which is being constructed to house the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.

The Fermilab hosted international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment experiment recently completed the excavation for the detector caverns located almost a mile underground. By the end of the decade, results from DUNE could illuminate why the Universe predominantly consists of matter.

North cavern

The excavation of the caverns that will house the gigantic particle detectors of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment in Lead, South Dakota is complete. Final outfitting of the colossal caverns will begin soon and make way for the start of the installation of the DUNE detectors later this year.

Massive caverns for DUNE neutrino project nearly excavated

The major part of the excavation of the caverns for the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility at SURF is nearing completion. The caverns will house the very large detectors for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment in Lead, South Dakota.