The quantum chase
Some friendly competition between the CMS and ATLAS experiments led up to the first discovery of entanglement at the Large Hadron Collider.
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Some friendly competition between the CMS and ATLAS experiments led up to the first discovery of entanglement at the Large Hadron Collider.
Physicists in the United States support the development of an off-shore Higgs Factory — a collider perfectly tuned to mass-produce Higgs bosons.
Magnets Magazine, April 16, 2024
The Magnet Detectives investigates the story of the assembly of the US-built magnets for the high-luminosity upgrade to the Large Hadron Collider. By doubling the number of protons inside the LHC and improving the beam dynamics, the upgrade will increase experimental datasets by a factor of 10.
As upgrades enable the LHC to produce more and more particle collisions, physicists are using machine learning to keep up with the growing task of sorting through everything.
In a race against the clock, CERN engineers and technicians pulled together to find and fix a leak inside the Large Hadron Collider.
Indirectly testing this theory, motivated by the mysterious mass of the Higgs boson, could be within reach for experiments at the Large Hadron Collider.
From Berkeley Lab, August 30, 2023
Berkeley Lab completed winding more than 2000 kilometers of superconducting wire into cables for new magnets that will help upgrade the Large Hadron Collider. These cables will be used to make the strongest focusing magnets installed in any accelerator by condensing particle beams right before they collide in detectors.
What happens when you pair CERN scientists with science fiction writers to create short stories inspired by particle physics?
A theory of everything was all the rage in the 1980s. So where did it go?
The ATLAS and CMS experiments have observed a process 4,000 times rarer than the production of Higgs bosons.