Dark Energy Survey

Gravitational lenses

Predicted by Einstein and discovered in 1979, gravitational lensing helps astrophysicists understand the evolving shape of the universe.

From UQ News, Aug. 1, 2018: A scientist from the Dark Energy Survey, which is hosted by Fermilab, is selected for the television program Australian Survivor.

From FAPESP’s Pesquisa, March 2018: International researchers are constantly looking for lighter particles in the hope of finding dark matter, including at the DarkSide-50 experiment, CDMS and the Dark Energy Survey.

From Spektrum, July 2, 2018: Woher stammen die Sterne der Milchstraße? Eine Himmelskartierung stößt auf eine Reihe von Besuchern – Sternströme aus fremden Galaxien.