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News highlights featuring Fermilab

831 - 840 of 1601 results

STEM Spotlight: Lee Teng’s high-energy and high-passion physics

    From DOE, May 20, 2020: Lee C. Teng is now 93 years old. The internship that bears his name was created jointly by Fermilab, Argonne National Laboratory and the U.S. Particle Accelerator School in 2007. He started work at Fermilab in 1967 and spent the next 22 years working in high-energy physics. After a two-year leave of absence that started in 1983, he picked up again at Fermilab, working until 2004, when he retired.

    Satellite galaxies can help us understand dark matter’s nature

      From Nature World News, May 20, 2020: Two studies have shown evidence of how a larger satellite galaxy can draw smaller ones into them as they get “trapped” into orbiting the Milky Way. Such an arrangement can inform astronomers and researchers about the nature of the formation of galaxies as well as insights into dark matter and its nature. Fermilab scientist Alex Drlica-Wagner is featured.

      Fermilab to host virtual STEM Career Expo

        From Kane County Chronicle, May 19, 2020: Fermilab is hosting its annual STEM Career Expo online this year. The expo will allow high school students to learn more about science fields and what college courses are necessary for a STEM career.

        Canadian Nuclear Laboratories support efforts to design Mechanical Ventilator Milano

          From Company News HQ, May 18, 2020: The Canadian Nuclear Laboratories is collaborating with organizations worldwide to develop, assemble and test innovative emergency ventilators to help provide relief to patients suffering from the effects of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. These include the Mechanical Ventilator Milano, a ventilator designed through an international collaboration of physicists, including Fermilab scientists, and government and industry partners.

          Why the U.S. is betting it all on the most puzzling particle in the universe

            From Gizmodo, May 18, 2020: Neutrino physics is a trek into the unknown, one that the United States physics community has chosen to pursue full-on. A flagship experiment called LBNF/DUNE will lead the search, in pursuit of answers that may take decades or more to find. Fermilab Deputy Director for Research Joe Lykken, DUNE spokesperson Ed Blucher, and DUNE scientists Chang Kee Jung and Elizabeth Worcester talk about how neutrinos will enhance our understanding of the universe.

            Why DUNE? Exploring supernovas, neutron stars and black holes

              From Sanford Underground Research Facility, May 19, 2020: The international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab, will be tuned to see neutrinos streaming from a nearby supernova. Such neutrino interactions could give researchers insight into one of the explosive processes that formed the elements in our solar system and our planet.

              Fermilab and the University of Bern join forces for neutrino research

                From the University of Bern, May 2020: The University of Bern and Fermilab partner on three neutrino projects aimed at a thorough study of some postulated properties of the ghostly particle: MicroBooNE, SBND and the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, the latter to be considered the world’s ultimate neutrino observatory.