Six reasons to get excited about neutrinos
From Physics Today, Aug. 23, 2016: Here are six reasons to believe that neutrinos might provide the window into new physics that the LHC has not.
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From Physics Today, Aug. 23, 2016: Here are six reasons to believe that neutrinos might provide the window into new physics that the LHC has not.
From Nature, Aug. 19, 2016: The next steps for particle physics now seem less certain, as discussions at the International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP) suggest. Much hinges on whether the LHC unearths phenomena that fall outside the standard model of particle physics and whether China’s plans to build an LHC successor move forward.
From Science News, Aug. 11, 2016: Particle physicists, including Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer, scrutinize latest LHC results to refine knowledge of the Higgs boson’s properties.
From Berkeley Lab, Aug. 9, 2016: DESI, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, will measure light from 35 million galaxies to provide new clues about dark energy. Fermilab is a collaborator on the Berkeley Lab project.
From the Kane County Chronicle, Aug. 3, 2016: When the Fermilab Natural Areas organization does habitat restoration, it means more than just pulling weeds. Volunteers may also end up learning about ecology.
From Nature, Aug. 5, 2016: The intriguing data “bump” at the Large Hadron Collider — first reported in December — turns out to be nothing more than a statistical fluctuation.
From Gizmodo, July 26, 2016: Ever wanted to build a particle accelerator in your basement? Well if one University of Liverpool PhD student gets his way, you may soon be able to do that – with LEGO.
From Physics, July 26, 2016: A team at MIT analyzes data from Fermilab’s MINOS neutrino experiment. The results rule out a class of realist models in which the evolving system does not depend on any “memory” of its initial state.
From CERN Courier, July 8, 2016: Established in 2013 following recommendations from the European Strategy document, the CERN Neutrino Platform ensures Europe’s participation in next-generation long- and short-baseline neutrino experiments in Japan and the United States
From Motherboard, July 20, 2016: A team of MIT physicists has observed quantum correlations extending 456 miles from Fermilab’s MINOS experiment near Chicago to an underground detector in Minnesota.