Last piece of CMS detector lowered underground
Batavia, Ill. – Early yesterday morning (Jan. 22), scientists of the U.S. CMS collaboration joined colleagues around the world to celebrate the lowering of the final piece of the Compact Muon Solenoid detector into the underground collision hall at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. The near completion of the CMS detector marks a pivotal moment for the international experiment, in preparation for the start-up of the Large Hadron Collider this summer. CMS has approximately 2,300 international collaborators. Supported by the Department…
The Midnight Ride of the CMS Tracking Detector
Scientists of the U.S. CMS collaboration today (Dec. 20) joined colleagues around the world in announcing the successful installation of the world’s largest silicon tracking detector at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland.
Industry and Research Heavyweights Collaborate to Demonstrate Data Transport Capability at SC07
High-Performance Computing and Communications Organizations Pool Capabilities to Support Vast Bandwidth Needs for Particle Physics and Other Applications
Auger Observatory closes in on long-standing mystery, links highest-energy cosmic rays with violent black holes
Scientists of the Pierre Auger Collaboration announced today (Nov. 8) that active galactic nuclei are the most likely candidate for the source of the highest-energy cosmic rays that hit Earth.
Fermilab environmental program receives international recognition
Restoring a native prairie and recycling material are just two examples of the environmentally friendly activities run by the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
Fermilab in Top 10 list of Chicagoland Scientific Achievements
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley announced today (Oct. 2, 2007) that Fermilab in Batavia produced the seventh most important scientific achievement in the six-county Chicago region.
Pierre Auger Observatory shares cosmic-ray data with public, students
Scientists of the Pierre Auger Collaboration will begin today (July 3) the public release of one percent of the cosmic-ray events recorded by the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina.
Back-to-Back b Baryons in Batavia
Scientists at the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory have announced the observation of the cascade b baryon-again.
Fermilab seeks “Citizen Scientist” volunteers for prairie study
Members of the public are invited to become “citizen scientists” and help ecologists track prairie restoration at the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory with the Prairie Quadrat Program.
Fermilab physicists discover “triple-scoop” baryon
Three-quark particle contains one quark from each family.