What is a “particle”? June 2, 2016 | Matthew R. Francis Quantum physics says everything is made of particles, but what does that actually mean?
Low-mass particles that make high-mass stars go boom May 27, 2016 | Matthew R. Francis Simulations are key to showing how neutrinos help stars go supernova.
Of bison and bosons May 24, 2016 | Lauren Biron What are all of the symbols in Fermilab’s unofficial seal?
The Planck scale May 23, 2016 | Rashmi Shivni The Planck scale sets the universe’s minimum limit, beyond which the laws of physics break.
Why do objects feel solid? May 17, 2016 | Sarah Charley A reader asks, “If atoms are mostly empty space, then why does anything feel solid?” James Beacham, a researcher with the ATLAS Experiment Group at Ohio State University, explains in this two-minute video.
A GUT feeling about physics April 28, 2016 | Matthew R. Francis Scientists want to connect the fundamental forces of nature in one Grand Unified Theory.
The hottest job in physics? April 26, 2016 | Troy Rummler Accelerator scientists are in demand at labs and beyond.
Eight things you might not know about light April 19, 2016 | Matthew R. Francis Light is all around us, but how much do you really know about the photons speeding past you?
Five fascinating facts about DUNE April 14, 2016 | Lauren Biron One: The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment will look for more than just neutrinos.
Physicists build ultrapowerful accelerator magnet April 7, 2016 | Sarah Charley A partnership between three national U.S. laboratories and CERN to upgrade the LHC has yielded the strongest accelerator magnet ever created.