Fermilab’s Integrated Engineering Research Center officially open for business January 10, 2024 …Fermilab the Project Completion and Start of Operations approval for its award-winning Integrated Engineering Research Center. Known as CD-4, the last of the Critical Decisions in the DOE Project Management…
International science organizations sign agreement to provide hardware for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment December 6, 2023 …on U.S. soil. Additionally, hundreds of students from all corners of the earth will start their careers in science, engineering and computing on this project. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is…
Two Fermilab initiatives awarded grants to open new educational doors October 18, 2023 Students with an interest in accelerator engineering or quantum computing, but who may not have sufficient resources at their home colleges, will soon have new options through the U.S. Department…
Fermilab receives DOE funding to further develop nationwide quantum network October 16, 2023 …Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Image: IEQNET collaboration “We are taking advantage of Fermilab’s expertise in systems engineering integration, advanced controls, readout electronics and ultra-sensitive sensors, which are all necessary for conducting…
SLAC fires up the world’s most powerful X-ray laser: LCLS-II ushers in a new era of science September 18, 2023 …its pioneering superconducting accelerator,” said Fermilab Director Lia Merminga. “The collective engineering, technical and scientific expertise and talent of the collaboration deserve immense credit for its successful construction and for…
Fermilab joined national effort to increase efficiency in microelectronics August 9, 2023 …Division. Next, guests toured the new, sustainably built Integrated Engineering Research Center. Nicola Bacchetta, a senior scientist at Fermilab, explained how this space will help engineers develop and assemble particle…
Contract awarded for acquisition of large cryogenic system for DUNE detectors in South Dakota July 19, 2023 …Allentown, Pennsylvania. The overall scope of this contract includes the engineering, manufacturing, installing and commissioning of a liquid nitrogen refrigeration system to cool down and keep the argon at minus…
Fermilab-led microelectronics codesign team works to develop a cutting-edge particle detector July 12, 2023 …states away at MIT in Boston, Karl Berggren, professor of electrical engineering, leads a team of graduate students in designing and building the circuitry that will connect the cryoASIC chip…
LBNF/DUNE gears up for next stage of construction in South Dakota July 10, 2023 …will also set up a structure on the surface for receiving deliveries of argon. The architecture and engineering company Arup USA developed the blueprints for the infrastructure that will be…
The 2023 URA award recipients June 30, 2023 …recognize exceptional engineering and engineering physics research. Each awardee receives $10,000 from URA and presents their work at the Users Meeting. URA President John Mester presented the 2023 URA awardees…