Changing hands: Saturday Morning Physics directors pass the torch
Since its inception in 1980 by then-Fermilab Director Leon Lederman, Saturday Morning Physics has been one of the most popular outreach initiatives at Fermilab.
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Since its inception in 1980 by then-Fermilab Director Leon Lederman, Saturday Morning Physics has been one of the most popular outreach initiatives at Fermilab.
Fermilab’s TRAC program helps middle and high school teachers turn lab experiences into lessons or exercises for their students.
From the Beacon-News, April 18, 2016: Fermilab in Batavia offered its 29th Wonders of Science event, which featured three current and retired high school teachers from the area performing a variety of experiments designed to make learning about science exciting.
A high school science class participates in CMS data analysis through QuarkNet.
Sunday visitors to the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory will soon be able to take their science questions straight to the experts.