SciTech celebrates 30 years of scientific exploration
Fermilab was instrumental in founding the SciTech Hands-On Museum 30 years ago.
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Fermilab was instrumental in founding the SciTech Hands-On Museum 30 years ago.
From NCTV17, April 20, 2018: The next generation of scientists and engineers gathered at Fermilab for the annual Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Career Expo. Watch the 90-second segment.
Lab professionals discussed their work, shared their experiences in different career areas and encouraged the girls to study STEM careers themselves.
Approximately 1,100 Chicago-area high school students, parents and educators attended the event, where they had the opportunity to meet more than 160 STEM professionals from nearly 50 companies, organizations, agencies and professional associations.
At a showing of the blockbuster movie followed by a Q&A with Fermilab scientists, students from diverse backgrounds were encouraged to pursue STEM careers.
From Daily Herald, Feb. 8, 2018: Having access to two of the U.S. Department of Energy’s 17 national labs is a rarity for a community college, and yet College of DuPage is fortunate to have both Argonne National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory located within its boundaries.
The event included opportunities to talk with lab employees, a panel discussion, tours, a physics carnival and a liquid-nitrogen show.
From The Beacon-News, Feb. 2, 2018: “We want visitors to gain a better understanding of all the exciting things happening at Fermilab and a general appreciation for STEM fields and research,” said Amanda Early, education program leader.
As part of Computer Science Education Week on Dec. 4-10, Fermilab partnered with Argonne National Laboratory on an initiative to bring Hour of Code activities and coding role models to local schools.
This summer, physics students were offered a unique opportunity to study cosmic rays during the total solar eclipse.