
From Phys.org, July 5, 2023: Researchers from Ames Laboratory announced important research results done with Fermilab’s SQMS Center that will improve the quantum circuit quality of a vital qubit component. The research was an important step in quantum computing development and proves that collaborative research groups like SQMS with Ames can lead to solving very complex technological and scientific problems.

From Nasdaq, Dec. 15, 2022: Quantum computing can perform calculations in ways that are impossible for classical computers. It was recently announced that Google’s Sycamore quantum processor was used by researchers from Caltech, Google, Fermilab, MIT and Harvard to generate and control what is equivalent to an Einstein-Rosen bridge, or more commonly referred to as a wormhole.

From the New York Times, Nov. 30, 2022: Yesterday, a science team led by Cal Tech announced they had simulated a pair of black holes in a quantum computer and sent a message between them through a shortcut in space-time called a wormhole. Fermilab’s Joe Lykken co-authored the paper published in Nature yesterday and provides details on what the team uncovered.

From Semiconducting Engineering, September 12, 2022: How do you extend the lifespan of qubits? Researchers at the Supercomputing Quantum Materials and Systems Center say silicon limits the lifespan of qubits because of quantum decoherence. Fermilab’s Alexander Romanenko discusses recently published research on how individual sub-components contribute to the decoherence of the qubits. Could sapphire be a better choice for future quantum chips?