201 - 210 of 291 results

Secretary of Energy Rick Perry visits Fermilab

    The U.S. Department of Energy’s Secretary Rick Perry visited the Fermilab site on Jan. 9, 2018. During his visit, he met with scientists and saw much that the lab has to offer: neutrino experiments going on underground, accelerator technology, quantum computing technology, the 50-foot Muon g-2 magnet, the herd of bison and much more.

    What you never learned about mass

      Probably the most familiar subject in physics is mass. Basically, it’s the amount of stuff something is made of. However, if you look at it a little more closely, you’ll find that the situation isn’t necessarily so simple. In this video, Fermilab’s Dr. Don Lincoln spends some time explaining how, conceptually speaking at least, there are two kinds of mass: gravitational and inertial and how the relationship between the two has huge consequences on our understanding of the universe.


        Former Fermilab Deputy Director Young-Kee Kim was once a CDF experiment postdoc who put her heart and soul into the particle detector. At one point, her tireless efforts brought her work to a brief, soporific standstill.

        Why E=mc2 is wrong

          The most famous equation in all of science is Einstein’s E = mc2, but it is also frequently misunderstood and misused. In this video, Don Lincoln explains the truth about this equation and how people often use it incorrectly.

          Relativity’s key concept: Lorentz gamma

            Einstein’s theory of special relativity is one of the most counterintuitive ideas in physics, for instance, moving clocks record time differently than stationary ones. Central to all of the equations of relativity is the Lorentz factor, also known as gamma. In this video, Fermilab’s Dr. Don Lincoln not only shows you a simple way to derive gamma, he also tells you its physical significance.

            The next generation

              Even as Fermilab produces world-class research, it is closely tied to the local community, drawing students and teachers through its public engagement programs. Some of the lab’s younger guests are impressive, as illustrated by an encounter that scientist Sowjanya Gollapinni shared with a visiting middle school neighbor.