Summer science for students
In the 1970s, Fermilab scientist Herman White presented Director Leon Lederman with an idea for a program for summer students, one that has become a mainstay of Fermilab summers.
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In the 1970s, Fermilab scientist Herman White presented Director Leon Lederman with an idea for a program for summer students, one that has become a mainstay of Fermilab summers.
Curtis Danner joined Fermilab on his birthday, two days after graduating from high school, in June 1970. He worked on bubble chamber film analysis when he started and quickly became a jack of all trades.
Roger Dixon, longtime Fermilab accelerator scientist, tells the story of a young summer student’s naive, bungled encounter with a Fermilab VIP in the 1970s.
Building the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment requires people with many different skills. The DUNE collaboration now comprises about 1,000 people from more than 160 institutions in 30 countries.
Physicists are proposing a Future Circular Collider that can smash particles at an energy of 100 trillion electronvolts — seven times greater than that of the LHC. What could we discover using this 60-mile-circumference collider?
Bruce Chrisman, Fermilab scientist emeritus and former chief operating officer for the laboratory, tells the story of how Fermilab came to be the first Department of Energy laboratory with a daycare center on site.